
미국 스포츠 베팅2015—2017年发表学术论文统计表

2017年12月30日 20:58 作者: 审稿人:yys 来源:  点击:[]

序号 论文名称 期刊名称 发表年度 发表类型 作者 通讯作者
1 Effects   of dietary live yeast supplementation on growth performance, diarrhoea   severity, intestinal permeability and immunological parameters of weaned   piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Esc herichia c oli K88 BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2017-12 SCI 车炼强;罗玉衡;黄小波;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;李健;吴德 车炼强
2 The   differences between copper sulfate and tribasic copper chloride on growth   performance, redox status, deposition in tissues of pigs, and excretion in   feces ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN   JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 2017-12 SCI 郑萍;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗玉衡;罗钧秋;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
3 Effect   of dietary fiber levels on performance, gizzard development, intestinal   morphology, and nutrient utilization in meat ducks from 1 to 21 days of   age POULTRY   SCIENCE 2017-12 SCI 张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡;王建萍;曾秋凤 曾秋凤
4 Effect   of Zinc Supplementation on Growth Performance, Intestinal Development, and   Intestinal Barrier-Related Gene Expression in Pekin Ducks BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2017-12 SCI 赵华;刘光芒;陈小玲;田刚;蔡景义;贾刚 贾刚
5 Salmonella   Utilizes Zinc To Subvert Antimicrobial Host Defense of Macrophages via   Modulation of NF-B Signaling INFECTION   AND IMMUNITY 2017-12 SCI 张克英;Guenter   Weiss Guenter   Weiss
6 Vanadate   oxidative and apoptotic effect are mediated by MAPK-Nrf2 Pathway in Layer   Oviduct Magnum Epithelial Cells Metallomics 2017-11 SCI 王建萍;张克英;毛湘冰;丁雪梅;曾秋凤;白世平;彭焕伟 王建萍
7 Impairment   of gill structural integrity by manganese deficiency or excess related to   induction of oxidative damage, apoptosis and dysfunction of the physical   barrier as regulated by NF-κB, caspase and Nrf2 signaling in fish. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-11 SCI 姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
8 owards   the modulation of oxidative damage, apoptosis and tight junction protein in   response to dietary leucine deficiency: a likely cause of ROS-induced gill   structural integrity impairment FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-11 SCI 周小秋;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;冯琳 冯琳
9 Dietary   pyridoxine deficiency reduced growth performance and impaired intestinal   immune function associated with TOR and NF-κB signalling of young grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-11 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
10 Dietary   apple pectic oligosaccharide improves gut barrier function of   rotavirus-challenged weaned pigs by increasing antioxidant capacity of   enterocytes Oncotarget 2017-11 SCI 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;罗钧秋;罗玉衡;田刚;王建萍 毛湘冰
11 Influence   of dietary fat source on sow and litter performance, colostrum and milk fatty   acid profile in late gestation and lactation ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2017-11 SCI 方正锋;林燕;车炼强;吴彩梅;徐盛玉;冯斌;李健;吴德 吴德
12 Microbial   Mechanistic Insight into the Role of Inulin in Improving Maternal Health in a   Pregnant Sow Model Frontiers   in Microbiology 2017-11 SCI 车炼强;李健;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;方正锋;吴德 吴德
13 Fungi   in Gastrointestinal Tracts of Human and Mice: from Community to   Functions MICROBIAL   ECOLOGY 2017-11 SCI 陈代文;余冰;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;罗钧秋;田刚;黄志清;罗玉衡 罗玉衡
14 Postnatal   high-fat diet enhances ectopic fat deposition in pigs with intrauterine   growth retardation EUROPEAN   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2017-11 SCI 郑萍;余冰;虞洁;毛湘冰;何军;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
15 Effects   of Active Immunization Against Akirin2 on Muscle Fiber-type Composition in   Pigs ANIMAL   BIOTECHNOLOGY 2017-11 SCI 陈小玲;贾刚;赵华;刘光芒;黄志清 黄志清
16 Arginine   metabolism and its protective effects on intestinal health and functions in   weaned piglets under oxidative stress induced by diquat BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2017-10 SCI 郑萍;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗玉衡;罗钧秋;黄志清;田刚;曾秋凤;车炼强;陈代文 陈代文
17 Chronic   High Dose Zinc Supplementation Induces Visceral Adipose Tissue Hypertrophy   without Altering Body Weight in Mice Nutrients 2017-10 SCI 方正锋;车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;李健;邹元锋;黄超;李丽霞;吴德;冯斌 冯斌
18 Supplementation   of enzyme-treated soy protein saves dietary protein and promotes digestive   and absorptive ability referring to TOR signaling in juvenile fish. FISH   PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2017-10 SCI 姜维丹;冯琳;刘扬;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
19 Dietary   protein levels regulated antibacterial activity, inflammatory response and   structural integrity in the head kidney, spleen and skin of grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) after challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila, FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-10 SCI 周小秋;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;冯琳 冯琳
20 Oxidative   stress-induced diseases and tea polyphenols Oncotarget 2017-10 SCI 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军 毛湘冰
21 Effects   of spermine on the antioxidant status and gene expression of   antioxidant-related signaling molecules in the liver and longissimus dorsi of   piglets Animal 2017-10 SCI 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;蔡景义;汪静;刘光芒 刘光芒
22 Effects   of Maternal Low-Energy Diet during Gestation on Intestinal Morphology,   Disaccharidase Activity, and Immune Response to Lipopolysaccharide Challenge   in Pig Offspring Nutrients 2017-10 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉;林燕;冯斌;李健;吴德 吴德
23 Effects   of maternal methyl donor on the pork characteristics of Animal 2017-10 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉;林燕;冯斌;李健;吴德 吴德
24 Threonine   deficiency decreased intestinal immunity and aggravated inflammation   associated with NF-κB and TOR signaling pathways in juvenile grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) after infection with Aeromonas hy BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2017-09 SCI 姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
25 The   relationship between dietary methionine and growth, digestion, absorption,   and antioxidant status in intestinal and hepatopancreatic tissues of   sub-adult grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2017-09 SCI 吴培;冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
26 Adaptation   of gut microbiome to different dietary nonstarch polysaccharide fractions in   a porcine model MOLECULAR   NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH 2017-09 SCI 田刚;陈代文;余冰;何军 何军
27 Effects   of alginate oligosaccharide on the growth performance, antioxidant capacity   and intestinal digestion-absorption function in weaned pigs ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2017-09 SCI 陈代文;余冰;何军 何军
28 Beneficial   effects of dietary soluble fiber supplementation in replacement gilts:   Pubertal onset and subsequent performance ANIMAL   REPRODUCTION SCIENCE 2017-09 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;李健;冯斌;吴德 吴德
29 Dietary   fibre alleviates hepatic fat deposition via inhibiting lipogenic gene   expression in meat ducks JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2017-09 SCI 张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍;曾秋凤 曾秋凤
30 Long-term   effect of dietary overload lithium on the glucose metabolism in broiler   chickens. ENVIRONMENTAL   TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2017-09 SCI 白世平;潘淑勤;张克英;丁雪梅;王建萍;曾秋凤 白世平
31 Effect   of supplements during the cold season on the reproductive system in   prepubertal Tibetan sheep ewes JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2017-09 SCI 彭全辉;王之盛 王之盛
32 Decreased   enteritis resistance ability by dietary low or excess levels of lipids   through impairing the intestinal physical and immune barriers function of   young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-08 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
33 A   Diet Diverse in Bamboo Parts is Important for Giant Panda (Ailuropoda   melanoleuca) Metabolism and Health Scientific   Reports 2017-07 SCI 吴德 吴德
34 Pancreatic   atrophy caused by dietary selenium deficiency induces hypoinsulinemic   hyperglycemia via global down-regulation of selenoprotein encoding genes in   broilers PLoS   One 2017-07 SCI 汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;蔡景义;尚海英;赵华 赵华
35 Effects   of the different levels of dietary vitamin D on boar performance and semen   quality Livestock   Science 2017-07 SCI 林燕;吴德;徐盛玉;车炼强;方正锋;白世平;冯斌;李健 林燕
36 Dietary   methionine source and level affect hepatic sulfur amino acid metabolism of   broiler breeder hens ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2017-07 SCI 丁雪梅;王建萍;白世平;彭焕伟;罗玉衡;张克英 张克英
37 MicroRNA   expression profiles differ between primary myofiber of lean and obese pig   breeds PLoS   One 2017-07 SCI 马继登;李明洲;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
38 Excess   of dietary montmorillonite impairs growth performance, liver function, and   antioxidant capacity in starter pigs1 JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2017-07 SCI 毛湘冰;余冰;何军;郑萍;虞洁;罗钧秋;王曲圆;陈代文 陈代文
39 A   study on the sternum growth and mineralization kinetic of meat duck from 35d   to 63d age POULTRY   SCIENCE 2017-07 SCI 学生;曾秋凤;王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;张克英 张克英
40 Endoplasmic   Reticulum Stress Inducer Tunicamycin Alters Hepatic Energy Homeostasis in   Mice INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2017-07 SCI 冯斌;吴德 冯斌
41 Stimulation   of intestinal growth with distal ileal infusion of short-chain fatty acid: a   reevaluation in a pig model RSC   Advances 2017-06 SCI 余冰;何军;虞洁;郑萍;黄志清;罗钧秋;罗玉衡;毛湘冰;陈代文 毛湘冰
42 Sodium   butyrate improved intestinal immune function associated with NF-κB and   p38MAPK signalling pathways in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon   idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-06 SCI 周小秋;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;冯琳 冯琳
43 Dietary   myo-inositol deficiency decreased the growth performances and impaired   intestinal physical barrier function partly relating to nrf2, jnk, e2f4 and   mlck signaling in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-06 SCI 姜维丹;冯琳;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
44 Effects   of oil quality and antioxidant supplementation on sow performance, milk   composition and oxidative status in serum and placenta Lipids   in Health and Disease 2017-06 SCI 方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;吴德;何军;车炼强 车炼强
45 Early   Gut Microbiota Intervention Suppresses DSS-Induced Inflammatory Responses by   Deactivating TLR/NLR Signalling in pig Scientific   Reports 2017-06 SCI 余冰;何军;虞洁;郑萍;毛湘冰;罗玉衡;陈代文 陈代文
46 Effects   of maize naturally contaminated with aflatoxin B1 on growth performance,   intestinal morphology, and digestive physiology in ducks POULTRY   SCIENCE 2017-06 SCI 陈代文 陈代文
47 Different   Types of Dietary Fibers Trigger Specific Alterations in Composition and   Predicted Functions of Colonic Bacterial Communities in BALB/c Mice Frontiers   in Microbiology 2017-05 SCI 罗玉衡;李华;张克英;丁雪梅;曾秋凤;白世平;王建萍;李健;郑萍;田刚;蔡景义;陈代文 罗玉衡
48 Intestinal   immune responses of Jian carp against Aeromonas hydrophila depressed by   choline deficiency: varied change patterns of mRNA levels of cytokines, tight   junction proteins and related signaling molecules among three intestinal   segments. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-05 SCI 吴培;刘扬;姜维丹;姜俊;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
49 Dietary   glutamine improve the function of erythrocytes through its metabolites in   juvenile carp(Cyprinus carpio var. Jian), AQUACULTURE 2017-05 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
50 The   decreased growth performance and impaired immune function and structural   integrity by dietaryiron deficiency or excess are associated with TOR, NF-κB,   p38MAPK, Nrf2 and MLCK signaling in head kidney, spleen and skin of grass   carp (Ctenopharyngodon ide FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-05 SCI 姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;周小秋;冯琳 冯琳
51 Dietary   zinc deficiency reduced growth performance, intestinal immune and physical   barrier functions related to NF-κB, TOR, Nrf2, JNK and MLCK signaling pathway   of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-05 SCI 姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋;冯琳 冯琳
52 Effects   of fatty acid transport protein 1 on proliferation and differentiation of   porcine intramuscular preadipocytes ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2017-05 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;赵华;刘光芒 黄志清
53 MicroRNA-499-5p   regulates porcine myofiber specification by controlling Sox6 expression Animal 2017-05 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;陈代文;余冰;何军;罗钧秋;罗玉衡;陈洪;郑萍;虞洁 黄志清
54 Resveratrol   supplementation of high-fat diet-fed pregnant mice promotes brown and beige   adipocyte development and prevents obesity in male offspring JOURNAL   OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 2017-05 SCI 陈代文;杜敏 杜敏
55 Effect   of High Dietary Manganese on the Immune Responses of Broilers Following Oral   Salmonella typhimurium Inoculation BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2017-05 SCI 张克英;丁雪梅;王建萍;彭焕伟;曾秋凤;白世平 白世平
56 Poly(C)-bindingprotein1(Pcbp1)regulatesskeletalmuscle   differentiationbymodulatingmicroRNAprocessingin myoblasts JOURNAL   OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2017-05 SCI 陈代文;Dazhi   Wang Dazhi   Wang
57 The   addition of protein-bound amino acids in low-protein diets improves the   metabolic and immunological characteristics in fifteen- to thirty-five-kg   pigs JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2017-05 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;李健;冯斌;田刚;张睿楠;吴德;陈代文 车炼强
58 Dietary   pea fibre alters the microbial community and fermentation with increase in   fibre degradation‐associated bacterial groups in the colon of pigs JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2017-04 SCI 罗玉衡;陈洪;余冰;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;罗钧秋;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
59 Dietary   Pectic Oligosaccharide Administration Improves Growth Performance and   Immunity in Weaned Pigs Infected by Rotavirus JOURNAL   OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2017-04 SCI 陈代文;余冰;罗钧秋;何军;罗玉衡;虞洁;毛湘冰 毛湘冰
60 Dietary   alpha-linolenic acid/linoleic acid ratios modulate immune response, physical   barrier and related signaling molecules mRNA expression in the gills of   juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-04 SCI 冯琳;曾芸芸;姜维丹;刘扬;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
61 A   comparative study on antioxidant system in fish hepatopancreas and intestine   affected by choline deficiency: different change patterns of varied   antioxidant enzyme genes and Nrf2 signaling factors. PLoS   One 2017-04 SCI 吴培;刘扬;姜维丹;姜俊;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
62 Physical   and Flavor Characteristics, Fatty Acid Profile, Antioxidant Status and   Nrf2-Dependent Antioxidant Enzyme Gene Expression Changes in Young Grass Carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Fillets Fed Dietary Valine. PLoS   One 2017-04 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
63 Effect   of dietary phosphorus deficiency on the growth, immune function and   structural integrity of head kidney,spleen and skin in young grass   carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella), FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-04 SCI 姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
64 Gill   structural integrity changes in fish deficient or excessive in dietary   isoleucine: towards the modulation of tight junction protein, inflammation,   apoptosis and antioxidant defense via NF-κB, TOR and Nrf2 signaling   pathways FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-04 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
65 Maternal   Methyl Donor Supplementation during Gestation Counteracts the Bisphenol   A-Induced Impairment of Intestinal Morphology, Disaccharidase Activity, and   Nutrient Transporters Gene Expression in Newborn and Weaning Pigs Nutrients 2017-04 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;冯斌;林燕;徐盛玉;李健;吴德 吴德
66 Akirin2   promotes slow myosin heavy chain expression by CaN/NFATc1 signaling in   porcine skeletal muscle satellite cells Oncotarget 2017-04 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;刘光芒;赵华 黄志清
67 New   insights into the role of dietary spermine on inflammation, immune function   and related-signalling molecules in the thymus and spleen of piglets ARCHIVES   OF ANIMAL NUTRITION 2017-04 SCI 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汤加勇;汪静;蔡景义;刘光芒 刘光芒
68 Effects   of dietary fiber on the antioxidant capacity, immune status, and   antioxidant-relative signaling molecular gene expression in rat organs RSC   Advances 2017-04 SCI 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汤加勇;汪静;刘光芒 刘光芒
69 Protective   effect of selenoprotein X against oxidative stress-Induced cell apoptosis in   human hepatocyte (LO2) cells via the p38 pathway BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2017-04 SCI 汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;蔡景义;尚海英;廖进秋;赵华 赵华
70 Dietary   organic trace minerals level influences eggshell quality and minerals   retention in hens Annals   of Animal Science 2017-04 SCI 白世平;丁雪梅;王建萍;张克英;曾秋凤 张克英
71 Effect   of supplements during the cold season on the reproductive system in   prepubertal Tibetan sheep ewes ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2017-03 SCI 彭全辉;王之盛 王之盛
72 Protective   role of phenylalanine on the ROS-induced oxidative damage, apoptosis and   tight junction damage via Nrf2, TOR and NF-κB signalling molecules in the   gill of fish. : FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-03 SCI 冯琳;刘扬;姜维丹;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
73 Vitamin   E deficiency depressed fish growth, disease resistance, and the immunity and   structural integrity of immune organs in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon   idella): referring to NF-κB, TOR and Nrf2 signaling. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-03 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
74 Vitamin   A deficiency suppresses fish immune function with differences in different   intestinal segments: the role of transcriptional factor NF-κB and p38MAPK   signalling pathways. BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2017-03 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;周小秋 周小秋
75 Maternal   nutrition modulates fetal development by inducing placental efficiency   changes in gilts BMC   GENOMICS 2017-03 SCI 徐盛玉;车炼强;林燕;方正锋;冯斌;李健;陈代文;吴德 吴德
76 Roles   of spermine in modulating the antioxidant status and Nrf2 signalling   molecules expression in the thymus and spleen of suckling piglets–new   insight JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2017-03 SCI 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汤加勇;汪静;蔡景义;刘光芒 刘光芒
77 FTO   Promotes Adipogenesis through Inhibition of the Wnt/β-catenin Signaling   Pathway in Porcine Intramuscular Preadipocytes ANIMAL   BIOTECHNOLOGY 2017-03 SCI 陈小玲;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华;黄志清 黄志清
78 Proteomic   Analysis of Fetal Ovaries Reveals That Primordial Follicle Formation and   Transition Are Differentially Regulated Biomed   Research International 2017-02 SCI 徐盛玉;李健;林燕;方正锋;车炼强;冯斌;吴德 徐盛玉
79 Quantitative   Proteomic Analysis Reveals the Role of Tea Polyphenol EGCG in Egg Whites in   Response to Vanadium NUTRITION 2017-02 SCI 王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤;毛湘冰;张克英 张克英
80 FoxO1:   a novel insight into its molecular mechanisms in the regulation of skeletal   muscle differentiation and fiber type specification Oncotarget 2017-02 SCI Meng   Xu;陈小玲;陈代文;余冰;黄志清 黄志清
81 Greenhouse   gas emissions from pig and poultry production sectors in China from 1960 to   2010 Journal   of Integrative Agriculture 2017-02 SCI 王立志;薛白 王立志
82 The   impact of diet on the composition and relative abundance of rumen microbes in   goat ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN   JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 2017-02 SCI 王立志 王立志
83 Amniotic   fluid metabolomics and biochemistry analysis provides novel insights into the   diet-regulated foetal growth in a pig model Scientific   Reports 2017-02 SCI 陈代文;余冰;毛湘冰;虞洁;罗玉衡;何军 何军
84 Dietary   supplementation with tributyrin prevented weaned pigs from growth retardation   and lethal infection via modulation of inflammatory cytokines production,   ileal FGF19 expression, and intestinal acetate fermentation JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2017-02 SCI 张晓玲;车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;吴德;方正锋 方正锋
85 Involvement   of PKA signalling in anti-inflammatory effects of chitosan oligosaccharides   in IPEC-J2 porcine epithelial cells JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2017-02 SCI 田刚;陈代文;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;黄志清;余冰 余冰
86 Akirin2   regulates proliferation and differentiation of porcine skeletal muscle   satellite cells via ERK1/2 and NFATc1 signaling pathways Scientific   Reports 2017-02 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华 黄志清
87 Methionine   hydroxy analogue improves intestinal immunological and physical barrier   function in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2017-02 SCI 吴培;冯琳;姜维丹;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
88 Dietary   overload lithium decreases the adipogenesis in abdominal adipose tissue of   broiler chickens ENVIRONMENTAL   TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2017-01 SCI 白世平;张克英;丁雪梅;王建萍;曾秋凤 白世平
89 Dietary   pea fiber increases diversity of colonic methanogens of pigs with a shift   from Methanobrevibacter to Methanomassiliicoccus-like genus and change in   numbers of three hydrogenotrophs BMC   MICROBIOLOGY 2017-01 SCI 罗玉衡;陈洪;余冰;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;田刚;虞洁;黄志清;罗钧秋;陈代文 陈代文
90 The   effect of arginine on the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway during porcine   intramuscular preadipocyte differentiation Food   & Function 2017-01 SCI 陈小玲;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华;黄志清 黄志清
91 Signal   Proteins Involved in Myogenic Stem Cells Differentiation CURRENT   PROTEIN & PEPTIDE SCIENCE 2017-01 SCI 黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
92 influence   of dietary rapeseed meal levels on growth performance, organ health and   standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in meat ducks from 15 to 35 days   of age JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2017-01 SCI 田刚;张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍;贾刚;曾秋凤 曾秋凤
93 Transfer   of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate from sows to their offspring and its impact on   muscle fiber type transformation and performance in pigs Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2017-01 SCI 吴彩梅;林燕;徐盛玉;车炼强;冯斌;李健;方正锋;吴德 吴德
94 Leucine   protects against skeletal muscle atrophy in lipopolysaccharide-challenged   rats JOURNAL   OF MEDICINAL FOOD 2017-01 SCI 陈代文;余冰;罗玉衡;毛湘冰;郑萍;虞洁;罗钧秋;何军 何军
95 Improving   the thermostability of Trichoderma ressei xylanase 2 by introducing disulfide   bonds ELECTRONIC   JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 2017-01 SCI 陈代文;余冰;罗玉衡;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;何军 何军
96 New   insights into the role of chitosan oligosaccharide in enhancing growth   performance, antioxidant capacity, immunity and intestinal development of   weaned pigs RSC   Advances 2017-01 SCI 陈代文;余冰;黄志清;毛湘冰;虞洁;何军 何军
97 Moderate   Maternal Energy Restriction During Gestation in Pigs Attenuates Fetal   Skeletal Muscle Development Through Changing Myogenic Gene Expression and   Myofiber Characteristics Reproductive   Sciences 2017-01 SCI 余冰;虞洁;毛湘冰;郑萍;何军;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
98 Mitochondrial   biogenesis is decreased in skeletal muscle of pig fetuses exposed to maternal   high-energy diets Animal 2017-01 SCI 余冰;虞洁;毛湘冰;郑萍;何军;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
99 Effects   of dietary xylooligosaccharides on the performance,egg quality, nutrient   digestibility and plasma parameters oflaying hens ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2017-01 SCI 丁雪梅;张克英;白世平;王建萍;曾秋凤 丁雪梅
100 Preventive   and reparative effects of isoleucine against copper-induced oxidative damage   in primary fish enterocytes FISH   PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2017-01 SCI 赵娟;吴培;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
101 Effect   of ZnO Nanoparticle on Cell Viability, Zinc Uptake Efficiency, and Zinc   Transporters Gene Expression: a Comparison with ZnO and ZnSO4 CZECH   JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2017-01 SCI 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
102 Nutritive   values, flavor amino acids, healthcare fatty acids and flesh quality improved   by manganese referring to up-regulating the antioxidant capacity and   signaling molecules TOR and Nrf2 in the muscle of fish. FOOD   RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2016-12 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
103 Role   of FIT2 in porcine intramuscular preadipocyte differentiation BIOLOGIA 2016-12 SCI 陈小玲;贾刚;赵华;刘光芒;黄志清 黄志清
104 Mammary   inflammatory gene expression was associated with reproductive stage and   regulated by docosahexenoic acid: in vitro and in vivo studies Lipids   in Health and Disease 2016-12 SCI 车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;李健;吴德;方正锋 方正锋
105 Moderately   increased energy intake during gestation improves body condition of   primiparous sows, piglet growth performance, and milk fat and protein   output Livestock   Science 2016-12 SCI 林燕;车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉;冯斌;吴德 吴德
106 From   nutrient to microRNA: a novel insight into cell signaling involved in   skeletalm Muscle development and disease International   Journal of Biological Sciences 2016-12 SCI 余冰;何军;陈代文 陈代文
107 Effects   of dietary protein levels on the disease resistance, immune function and   physical barrier function in the gill of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)   after challenged with Flavobacterium columnare, FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-11 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
108 Effect   of Feeding and Withdrawal of Vanadium and Vitamin C on Egg Quality and   Vanadium Residual Over Time in Laying Hens BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2016-11 SCI 王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
109 Dietary   vitamin C deficiency depressed the gill physical barriers and immune barriers   referring to Nrf2, apoptosis, MLCK, NF-κB and TOR signaling in grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) under infection of Flavobacterium columnare. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-11 SCI 姜维丹;冯琳;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
110 Dietary   choline deficiency and excess induced intestinal inflammation and alteration   of intestinal tight junction protein transcription potentially by modulating   NF-κB, STAT and p38 MAPK signaling molecules in juvenile Jian carp FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-11 SCI 吴培;冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
111 Optimal   dietary alpha-linolenic acid/linoleic acid ratio improved digestive and   absorptive capacities and TOR gene expression of juvenile grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) AQUACULTURE   NUTRITION 2016-11 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
112 Deficiency   of dietary niacin decreases digestion and absorption capacities via declining   the digestive and brush border enzyme activities and down-regulating those   enzyme gene transcription related to TOR pathway of the hepatopancreas and   intestine in you AQUACULTURE   NUTRITION 2016-11 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
113 Effect   of spermine on liver and spleen antioxidant status in weaned rats JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL AND FEED SCIENCES 2016-11 SCI 刘光芒;贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;汪静;吴彩梅 刘光芒
114 Moderately   decreased maternal dietary energy intake during pregnancy reduces fetal   skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in the pigs Genes   and Nutrition 2016-11 SCI 余冰;虞洁;毛湘冰;郑萍;何军;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
115 PAX3+   skeletal muscle satellite cells retain long‐term self‐renewal and   proliferation MUSCLE   & NERVE 2016-11 SCI 虞洁;余冰;黄志清;张克英;吴德;何军;毛湘冰;郑萍;陈代文 陈代文
116 Detection   of Placental Proteomes at Different Uterine Positions in Large White and   Meishan Gilts on Gestational Day 90 PLoS   One 2016-11 SCI 徐盛玉;车炼强;林燕;方正锋;冯斌;李健;陈代文;吴德 吴德
117 Vitamin   D3 supplementation alleviates rotavirus infection in pigs and IPEC-J2 cells   via regulating the autophagy signaling pathway JOURNAL   OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2016-10 SCI 田刚;陈代文;毛湘冰;虞洁;郑萍;何军;黄志清;余冰 余冰
118 Optimal   dietary protein level improved growth, disease resistance, intestinal immune   and physical barrier function of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon   idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-10 SCI 吴培;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
119 Changes   in integrity of the gill during histidine deficiency or excess due to   depression of cellular anti-oxidative ability, induction of apoptosis,   inflammation and impair of cell-cell tight junctions related to Nrf2, TOR and   NF-κB signaling in fish. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-10 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;姜俊;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
120 Methionine   hydroxy analogue enhanced fish immunity via modulation of NF-κB, TOR, MLCK,   MAPKs and Nrf2 signaling in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-10 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
121 Histidine   prevents Cu-induced oxidative stress and the associated decreases in mRNA   from encoding tight junction proteins in the intestine of grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella). PLoS   One 2016-10 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
122 Intestinal   microbiota could transfer host gut characteristics from pigs to mice BMC   MICROBIOLOGY 2016-10 SCI 余冰;虞洁;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;陈代文 毛湘冰
123 ,Dietary   low or excess levels of lipids reduced growth performance, and impaired   immune function and structure of head kidney, spleen and skin in young grass   carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) under the infection of Aeromonas   hydrophila. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-09 SCI 姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
124 Impact   of exogenous lipase supplementation on growth, intestinal function, mucosal   immune and physical barrier, and related signaling molecules mRNA expression   of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-09 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
125 Deficiency   of dietary niacin impaired gill immunity and antioxidant capacity, and   changes its tight junction proteins via regulating NF-κB, TOR, Nrf2 and MLCK   signaling pathways in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-09 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
126 Alginic   acid oligosaccharide accelerates weaned pig growth through regulating   antioxidant capacity, immunity and intestinal development RSC   Advances 2016-09 SCI 陈代文;何军 何军
127 Dietary   supplementation of curcumin alleviates NF-kB-dependent skeletal muscle   wasting in rat Endocrine   Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets 2016-09 SCI 何军 何军
128 Effects   of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the   antioxidant status and tibia quality of duck breeders and newly hatched   ducklings. POULTRY   SCIENCE 2016-09 SCI 曾秋凤;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍;罗玉衡;张克英 张克英
129 Effects   of dietary crude protein levels and exogenous protease on performance,   nutrient digestibility, trypsin activity and intestinal morphology in   broilers Livestock   Science 2016-09 SCI 丁雪梅;王建萍;曾秋凤;白世平;张克英 张克英
130 Extruded   full-fat soybean as a substitute for soybean meal and oil in diets for   lactating sows: the effect on litter performance and milk composition Animal   Production Science 2016-09 SCI 车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;方正锋;吴德 吴德
131 Increased   maternal consumption of methionine as its hydroxyl analog promoted neonatal   intestinal growth without compromising maternal energy homeostasis Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2016-08 SCI 刘光芒;张晓玲;林燕;车炼强;徐盛玉;田刚;陈代文;吴德;方正锋 方正锋
132 Effect   of High Fat Dietary Intake during Maternal Gestation on Offspring Ovarian   Health in a Pig Model Nutrients 2016-08 SCI 徐盛玉;李健;林燕;方正锋;车炼强;冯斌;吴德 徐盛玉
133 Urinary   Metabolomic Approach Provides New Insights into Distinct Metabolic Profiles   of Glutamine and N-Carbamylglutamate Supplementation in Rats Nutrients 2016-08 SCI 刘光芒;贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汪静 刘光芒
134 Arginine:   New Insights into Growth Performance and Urinary Metabolomic Profiles of   Rats MOLECULES 2016-08 SCI 刘光芒;贾刚;陈小玲;赵华;汪静;吴彩梅;蔡景义 刘光芒
135 Supranutritional   Dietary Selenium Induced Hyperinsulinmia and Dyslipidemia via Affected   Expression of Selenoprotein Genes and Insulin Signal-related Genes in   Broiler RSC   advances 2016-08 SCI 汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;蔡景义;尚海英;赵华 赵华
136 Comparison   of rumen archaeal diversity in adult and elderly yaks (Bos grunniens) using   16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing Journal   of Integrative Agriculture 2016-08 SCI 王立志;王之盛;薛白;吴德;彭全辉 彭全辉
137 Gut   microbiota can transfer fiber characteristics and lipid metabolic profiles of   skeletal muscle from pigs to germ-free mice Scientific   Reports 2016-08 SCI 余冰;何军;虞洁;郑萍;毛湘冰;罗玉衡;陈代文 陈代文
138 Effects   of benzoic acid(VevoVitall?)on the performance and jejunal digestive   physiology in young pigs Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2016-08 SCI 余冰;郑萍;何军;虞洁;黄志清;陈代文;毛湘冰 陈代文
139 Effect   of dietary supplementation with amino acids on boar sperm quality and   fertilit ANIMAL   REPRODUCTION SCIENCE 2016-08 SCI 吴德;徐盛玉;方正锋;车炼强;吴彩梅;林燕 林燕
140 Effects   of dietary leucine supplementation in low crude protein diets on performance,   nitrogen balance, whole-body protein turnover, carcass characteristics and   meat quality of finishing pigs ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2016-07 SCI 毛湘冰;曾祥芳 曾祥芳
141 Dietary   chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation improves feotal survival and   reproductive performance in multiparous sows RSC   advances 2016-07 SCI 陈代文;余冰;罗玉衡;何军 何军
142 Effects   of glutamine against oxidative stress in the metabolome of rats—new   insight RSC   advances 2016-07 SCI 刘光芒;贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汪静 刘光芒
143 Role   of phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1 in porcine intramuscular   preadipocyte proliferation and differentiation ANIMAL   BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016-07 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华 黄志清
144 The   effect of dietary replacement of ordinary rice with Red Yeast Rice on   nutrient utilization, enteric methane emission and rumen archaeal diversity   in goats PLoS   One 2016-07 SCI 王立志;吴德;闫天海 闫天海
145 Isoflavones:   anti-inflammatory benefit and possible caveats NUTRIENTS 2016-06 SCI 虞洁;余冰;陈代文 陈代文
146 Prokaryotic   expression and purification of porcine Sox6 Turkish   Journal of Biology 2016-06 SCI Wanxue   WEN;陈小玲;黄志清;陈代文;余冰;何军;罗钧秋;毛湘冰;虞洁;郑萍;陈洪 黄志清
147 Codon   optimization of Aspergillus niger feruloyl esterase and its expression in   Pichia pastoris BIOLOGIA 2016-06 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华 黄志清
148 Moderately   increased maternal dietary energy intake delays foetal skeletal muscle   differentiation and maturity in pigs EUROPEAN   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2016-06 SCI 余冰;虞洁;毛湘冰;郑萍;何军;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
149 Excess   of dietary benzoic acid supplementation leads to growth retardation,   hematological abnormality and organ injury of piglets Livestock   Science 2016-06 SCI 余冰;何军;虞洁;郑萍;陈代文;毛湘冰 陈代文
150 Supranutritional   Dietary Selenium Depressed Expression of Selenoprotein Genes in Three Immune   Organs of Broiler ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2016-06 SCI 汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;尚海英;赵华 赵华
151 Dietary   Nucleotides Supplementation Improves the Intestinal Development and Immune   Function of Neonates with Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction in a Pig   Model PLoS   One 2016-06 SCI 车炼强;陈洪;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;陈代文;吴德 车炼强
152 Effect   of the graded levels of dietary thiamin on the growth performance, body   composition and haemato-biochemical parameters of juvenile Sclizothorax   prenan AQUACULTURE   NUTRITION 2016-06 SCI 周小秋;吴培 周小秋
153 Growth,   digestive and absorptive abilities and anti-oxidative capacity in the   hepatopancreas and intestine of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus   Val.) fed graded levels of dietary manganese, AQUACULTURE   RESEARCH 2016-06 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
154 Effect   of Vanadium and Tea Polyphenols on Intestinal Morphology, Microflora and   Short-Chain Fatty Acid Profile of Laying Hens BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2016-05 SCI 王建萍;张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤 王建萍
155 Effects   of benzoic acid (VevoVitall?) on the performance and jejunal digestive   physiology in young pigs Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2016-05 SCI 余冰;郑萍;何军;虞洁;黄志清;陈代文;毛湘冰 毛湘冰
156 Effects   of dietary mannan oligosaccharide supplementationon performance and immune   response of sows and theiroffspring ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2016-05 SCI 陈代文;郑萍;田刚;王建萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;何军;黄志清;余冰 余冰
157 Different   lipopolysaccharide branched-chain amino acids modulate porcine intestinal   endogenous beta-defensin expression through the sirt1/ERK/90RSK pathway JOURNAL   OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2016-05 SCI 毛湘冰;谯仕彦 谯仕彦
158 The   Effects of Glucagon-like Peptide-2 on the Tight Junction and Barrier Function   in IPEC-J2 Cells throughPhosphatidylinositol 3-kinase–Protein Kinase   B–Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Signaling Pathway Asian-Australasian   Journal of Animal Sciences 2016-05 SCI 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒;王康宁 贾刚
159 The   prolonged effect of glucagon-like peptide 2 performance and intestinal   development of weaned piglets pretreatment on growth Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2016-05 SCI 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒;王康宁 贾刚
160 Maternal   high fat intake affects the development and transcriptional profile of fetal   intestine in late gestation using pig model Lipids   in Health and Disease 2016-05 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;李健;吴德 车炼强
161 Effects   of intrauterine growth retardation and Bacillus subtilis PB6 supplementation   on growth performance, intestinal development and immune function of piglets   during the suckling period EUROPEAN   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2016-05 SCI 陈洪;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;李健;吴德;车炼强 车炼强
162 Effects   of low-protein diets supplemented with indispensable amino acids on growth   performance,intestinal morphology and immunological parameters in 13 to 35 kg   pigs Animal 2016-05 SCI 方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;李健;吴彩梅;陈代文;吴德;车炼强 车炼强
163 Effects   of dietary vitamin K levels on growth performance, enzyme activities and   antioxidant status in the hepatopancreas and intestine of juvenile Jian carp   (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian), AQUACULTURE   NUTRITION 2016-05 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
164 Dietary   vitamin C deficiency depresses the growth, head kidney and spleen immunity   and structural integrity by regulating NF-kB, TOR, Nrf2, apoptosis and MLCK   signaling in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-05 SCI 姜维丹;冯琳;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
165 Dietary   choline regulates antibacterial activity, inflammatory response and barrier   function in the gills of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-05 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
166 Effects   of Inulin Supplementation in Low- or High-Fat Diets on Reproductive   Performance of Sows and Antioxidant Defence Capacity in Sows and   Offspring REPRODUCTION   IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS 2016-05 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉;林燕;冯斌;李健;吴德 吴德
167 A   Maternal High-Energy Diet Promotes Intestinal Development and Intrauterine   Growth of Offspring NUTRIENTS 2016-05 SCI 冯斌;车炼强;徐盛玉;林燕;方正锋;李健;吴德 吴德
168 Effect   of tea polyphenols on production performance, egg quality, and hepatic   antioxidant status of laying hens in vanadium-containing diets POULTRY   SCIENCE 2016-04 SCI 张克英;丁雪梅;罗玉衡;白世平;曾秋凤;王建萍 王建萍
169 Effects   of Aspergillus niger fermented rapeseed meal on nutrient digestibility,   growth performance and serum parameters in growing pigs ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2016-04 SCI 何军;王建萍;虞洁;余冰;毛湘冰;郑萍;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
170 Physicochemical   properties analysis and secretome of Aspergillus niger in fermented rapeseed   meal PLoS   One 2016-04 SCI 何军;虞洁;余冰;毛湘冰;郑萍;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
171 Effect   of maternal canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on   the performance of ducklings under two different vitamin regimens JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2016-04 SCI 曾秋凤;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍;罗玉衡;张克英 张克英
172 Antibody   to fibroblast growth factor 23-peptide reduces excreta phosphorus of laying   hens POULTRY   SCIENCE 2016-04 SCI 张克英;Mark   E. Cook Mark   E. Cook
173 Dietary   arginine and N-carbamylglutamate supplementation enhances the antioxidant   statuses of the liver and plasma against oxidative stress in rats Food   & function 2016-04 SCI Wei   Cao;刘光芒;贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;蔡景义;汪静 刘光芒
174 Jian   carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) intestinal immune responses, antioxidant   status and tight junction protein mRNA expression are modulated via Nrf2 and   PKC in response to dietary arginine deficiency FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-04 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
175 Co-   and post-treatment with lysine protects primary fish enterocytes against   Cu-induced oxidative damage. PLoS   One 2016-04 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
176 Dietary   alpha-linolenic acid/linoleic acid ratios modulate intestinal imunity, tight   junctions, anti-oxidant status and mRNA levels of NF-κB p65, MLCK and Nrf2 in   juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-04 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
177 Thiamin   deficiency induces impaired fish gill immune responses, tight junction   protein expression and antioxidant capacity: Roles of the NF-κB, TOR, p38   MAPK and Nrf2 signaling molecules. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-04 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
178 Immunity   decreases, antioxidant system damages and tight junction changes in the   intestine of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) during folic acid   deficiency: Regulation of NF-κB, Nrf2 and MLCK mRNA levels. FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-04 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
179 Intra-uterine   undernutrition amplifies age-associated glucose intolerance in pigs via   altered DNA methylation at muscle GLUT4 promoter BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2016-04 SCI 林燕;车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉;冯斌;李健;吴德 吴德
180 Physicochemical   Properties Analysis and Secretome ofAspergillus nigerin Fermented Rapeseed   Meal PLoS   One 2016-04 SCI 何军;虞洁;余冰;毛湘冰;郑萍;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
181 Effects   of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the   antioxidant status and tibia quality of duck breeders and newly hatched   ducklings POULTRY   SCIENCE 2016-03 SCI 曾秋凤;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍;罗玉衡;张克英 张克英
182 Catch-up   growth following food restriction exacerbates adulthood glucose intolerance   in pigs exposed to intrauterine undernutrition NUTRITION 2016-03 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉;林燕;冯斌;吴德 吴德
183 Coated   protease increases ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids in weaned   piglets ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2016-03 SCI 陈代文;余冰;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;黄志清;罗钧秋;虞洁 虞洁
184 Regulation   of fibroblast growth factor 15/19 and 21 on metabolism: in the fed or fasted   state Journal   of Translational Medicine 2016-03 SCI 陈代文;余冰;虞洁 虞洁
185 Spermine:   New insights into the intestinal development and serum antioxidant status of   suckling piglets RSC   advances 2016-03 SCI Tingting   Fang;刘光芒;贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汪静 刘光芒
186 Deficiency   of dietary niacin impaired intestinal mucosal immune function via regulating   intestinal NF-κB, Nrf2 and MLCK signaling pathways in young grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-03 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
187 The   impaired flesh quality by iron deficiency and excess is associated with   increasing of oxidative damage and decreasing of antioxidant capacity in the   muscle of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), AQUACULTURE   NUTRITION 2016-03 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
188 Modulation   of immune response, physical barrier and related signaling factors in the   gills of juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) fed supplemented diet   with phospholipids FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-03 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
189 Catch-up   growth following food restriction exacerbates adulthood glucose intolerance   in pigs exposed to intrauterine undernutrition NUTRITION 2016-03 SCI 车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉;林燕;冯斌;吴德 吴德
190 Improving   maternal vitamin D status promotes prenatal and postnatal skeletal muscle   development of pig offspring NUTRITION 2016-03 SCI 林燕;冯斌;方正锋;车炼强;李健;徐盛玉;吴德 吴德
191 Effects   of Dietary Supplementation of b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate on Sow Performance   and mRNA Expression of Myogenic Markers in Skeletal Muscle of Neonatal   Piglets REPRODUCTION   IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS 2016-03 SCI 方正锋;车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;吴德 吴德
192 Effects   of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation in maternal diets on milk   quality and serum bone status markers of sows and bone quality of   piglets ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2016-03 SCI 林燕;冯斌;方正锋;车炼强;李健;徐盛玉;吴德 吴德
193 Selenoprotein   X Gene knockdown aggravated H2O2-induced apoptosis in LO2 cells BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2016-02 SCI 汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;蔡景义;尚海英;赵华 赵华
194 Tissue   distribution of porcine FTO and its effecton porcine intramuscular   preadipocytes proliferation and differentiation PLoS   One 2016-02 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华 黄志清
195 Effects   of different dietary n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios on boar   reproduction Lipids   in Health and Disease 2016-02 SCI 林燕;吴德;徐盛玉;方正锋;车炼强;吴彩梅;李健 林燕
196 The   effects of maternal dietary vitamin premixes, canthaxanthin, and   25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the performance of progeny ducklings POULTRY   SCIENCE 2016-02 SCI 王建萍;曾秋凤;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡;张克英 张克英
197 Expression   of a tandemly arrayed plectasin gene from pseudoplectania nigrella in Pichia   pastoris and its antimicrobial activity Journal   of microbiology and biotechnology 2016-02 SCI 陈代文;余冰;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;何军 何军
198 Dietary   myo-inositol modulates immunity through antioxidant activity and the Nrf2 and   E2F4/cyclin signalling factors in the head kidney and spleen following   infection of juvenile fish with Aeromonas hydrophila FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2016-02 SCI 姜维丹;冯琳;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
199 Dietary   leucine improves flesh quality and alters mRNA expressions of Nrf2-mediated   antioxidant enzymes in the muscle of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon   idella). AQUACULTURE 2016-02 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
200 Trace   Mineral Overload Induced Hepatic Oxidative Damage and Apoptosis in Pigs with   Long--Term High-Level Dietary Mineral EXposure JOURNAL   OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2016-02 SCI 田刚;陈代文;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;黄志清;余冰 余冰
201 Effects   of GHRP-2 and Cysteamine Administration on Growth Performance, Somatotropic   Axis Hormone and Muscle Protein Deposition in Yaks (Bos grunniens) with   Growth Retardation PLoS   One 2016-02 SCI 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
202 Effects   of Starvation on Lipid Metabolism and Gluconeogenesis in Yak Asian-Australasian   Journal of Animal Sciences 2016-02 SCI 彭全辉;王之盛 王之盛
203 Influence   of extrusion of corn and broken rice on energy content and growth performance   of weaning pigs ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2016-02 SCI 徐盛玉;方正锋;林燕;车炼强;李健;吴德 吴德
204 Effects   of Dietary Supplementation of β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate on Sow Performance   and mRNA Expression of Myogenic Markers in Skeletal Muscle of Neonatal   Piglets REPRODUCTION   IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS 2016-02 SCI 方正锋;车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;冯斌;吴德 吴德
205 Dietary   supplementation with β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate calcium during the early   postnatal period accelerates skeletal muscle fibre growth and maturity in   intra-uterine growth-retarded and normal-birth-weight piglets BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2016-02 SCI 吴彩梅;张睿楠;林燕;徐盛玉;方正锋;车炼强;冯斌;吴德 吴德
206 Dietary   iron concentration influences serum concentrations of manganese in rats   consuming organic or inorganic sources of manganese BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2016-02 SCI 张克英;丁雪梅;罗玉衡;王建萍;曾秋凤;白世平 白世平
426 Effects   of Vitamin C on the Transcription of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α of Broiler   Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells under Hypoxia Acta   Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica   2016-02 SCI 曾秋凤;张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡;王建萍 曾秋凤
207 Dietary   Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG supplementation improves the mucosal barrier   function in the intestine of weaned piglets challenged by porcine   rotavirus PLoS   One 2016-01 SCI 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;罗钧秋;田刚 毛湘冰
208 The   metabolites of glutamine prevent hydroxyl radical-induced apoptosis through   inhibiting mitochondria and calcium ion involved pathways in fish   erythrocytes. FREE   RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2016-01 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
209 Cloning   and functional characterization of porcine Sox6 Turkish   Journal of Biology 2016-01 SCI 陈小玲;陈代文;余冰;罗钧秋;黄志清 黄志清
210 Effects   of dietary DL-2-hydroxy-4(methylthio) butanoic acid supplementation on growth   performance, indices of ascites syndrome, and antioxidant capacity of   broilers reared at low ambient temperature INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY 2016-01 SCI 张克英;丁雪梅;郑萍;罗玉衡;白世平;王建萍;曾秋凤 曾秋凤
211 Dietary   threonine response of Pekin ducks from hatch to 14 d of age basedon   performance, serology, and intestinal mucin secretion POULTRY   SCIENCE 2016-01 SCI 曾秋凤;Applegate   T D Applegate   T D
212 Effect   of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the   performance of duck breeders under two different vitamin regimens Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2016-01 SCI 曾秋凤;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍;罗玉衡;张克英 张克英
213 Recombinant   plectasin elicits similar improvements in the performance and intestinal   mucosa growth and activity in weaned pigs as an antibiotic ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2016-01 SCI 陈代文;余冰;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;何军 何军
214 Enhanced   muscle nutrient content and flesh quality, resulting from tryptophan, is   associated with anti-oxidative damage referred to the Nrf2 and TOR signalling   factors in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella): Avoid tryptophan   deficiency or excess FOOD   CHEMISTRY 2016-01 SCI 姜维丹;冯琳;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
215 Dietary   spray-dried chicken plasma improves intestinal barrier function and modulates   immune status in weaning piglets JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2016-01 SCI 郑萍;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗钧秋;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
216 Improving   maternal vitamin D status promotes prenatal and postnatal skeletal muscle   development of pig offspring NUTRITION 2016-01 SCI 林燕;冯斌;方正锋;车炼强;李健;徐盛玉;吴德 吴德
217 Effects   of corn type and fasting time before slaughter on growth and plasma index in   weaning pigs JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2016-01 SCI 何军;陈代文;余冰;虞洁;毛湘冰 陈代文
218 Rearing   conditions affected responses of weaned pigs to organic acids showing a   positive effect on digestibility, microflora and immunity of pigs ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2016-01 SCI 林燕;车炼强;徐盛玉;吴德;薛白;方正锋 方正锋
219 Flesh   shear force, cooking loss, muscle antioxidant status and relative expression   of signaling molecules (Nrf2, Keap1, TOR, and CK2) and their target genes in   young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) muscle fed with graded level of   choline PLoS   One 2015-12 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
220 Expression   of Selenoprotein Genes Is Affected by Heat Stress in IPEC-J2 cells BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2015-12 SCI 汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;蔡景义;尚海英;赵华 赵华
221 Changes   in the metabolome of rats after exposure to arginine and N-carbamylglutamate   in combination with diquat, a compound that causes oxidative stress, assessed   by 1H NMR spectroscopy Food   & function 2015-12 SCI 刘光芒;贾刚;陈小玲;赵华;吴彩梅;汪静 刘光芒
222 uptake   of manganese from manganese-lysine complex in the primary rat intestinal   epithial cells JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2015-12 SCI 张克英;丁雪梅;罗玉衡;王建萍;曾秋凤;白世平 白世平
223 Reproduction   hormone and transcriptomic responses of pituitary tissue in anestrus gilt   induced by nutrient restriction PLoS   One 2015-11 SCI 徐盛玉;林燕;车炼强;方正锋;吴德 吴德
224 Soybean   glycinin depresses intestinal growth and function in juvenile Jian carp   (Cyprinus carpio var Jian): protective effects of glutamine, BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015-11 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
225 Effects   of dietary phenylalanine on growth, digestive and brush border enzyme   activities and antioxidant capacity in the hepatopancreas and intestine of   young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), AQUACULTURE   NUTRITION 2015-11 SCI 冯琳;刘扬;姜维丹;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
226 Oral   administration of N-Carbamylglutamate might improve growth performance and   intestinal function of suckling piglets Livestock   Science 2015-11 SCI 毛湘冰;谯仕彦 谯仕彦
227 The   effect of high nutrient on the growth performance, adipose deposition and   gene expression of lipid metabolism in the neonatal intrauterine   growth-retarded piglets JOURNAL   OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH 2015-11 SCI 毛湘冰;余冰;何军;郑萍;虞洁;罗钧秋;陈代文 陈代文
228 Broiler   chicken adipose tissue dynamics during the first two weeks post-hatch COMPARATIVE   BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR AND INTEGRAT 2015-11 SCI 白世平;Elizabeth   R. Gilbert Elizabeth   R. Gilbert
229 Effects   of dietary combinations of organic acids and medium chain fatty acids as a   replacement of zinc oxide on growth, digestibility and immunity of weaned   pigs ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2015-11 SCI 林燕;车炼强;徐盛玉;吴德;薛白;方正锋 方正锋
230 Immunization   against Rumen Methanogenesis by Vaccination with a New Recombinant   Protein PLoS   One 2015-10 SCI 薛白;彭全辉;王之盛;王立志 王立志
231 Intestinal   immune function, antioxidant status and tight junction proteins mRNA   expression in young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) fed riboflavin   deficient diet FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-10 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
232 High-Fat   Diet Increased Renal and Hepatic Oxidative Stress Induced by Vanadium of   Wistar Rat BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2015-09 SCI 王建萍;张克英;丁雪梅;罗玉衡;白世平;曾秋凤 张克英
233 Effects   of cellulase supplementation on nutrient digestibility, energy utilization   and methane emission by Boer crossbred goats Asian-Australasian   Journal of Animal Sciences 2015-09 SCI 王立志;薛白 薛白
234 Effects   of spermine on the morphology, digestive enzyme activities, and antioxidant   status of jejunum in suckling rats RSC   advances 2015-09 SCI 刘光芒;贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汪静;蔡景义 刘光芒
235 Dietary   leucine supplementation improves the mucin production in the jejunal mucosa   of the weaned pigs challenged by porcine rotavirus PLoS   One 2015-09 SCI 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;郑萍 毛湘冰
236 Influence   of dietary zinc on muscle composition, flesh quality and muscle antioxidant   status of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngondon idella Val), AQUACULTURE   RESEARCH 2015-09 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
237 Ca2+   and caspases are involved in hydroxyl radical-induced apoptosis in   erythrocytes of Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) FISH   PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2015-09 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
238 Folic   acid deficiency impairs the gill health status associated with the NF-κB,   MLCK and Nrf2 signaling pathways in the gills of young grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-09 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
239 Dietary   pantothenic acid depressed the gill immune and physical barrier function via   NF-κB, TOR, Nrf2, p38MAPK and MLCK signaling pathways in grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-09 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;姜俊;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
240 Yeast   Culture and Vitamin E Supplementation Alleviates Heat Stress in Dairy   Goats Asian-Australasian   Journal of Animal Sciences 2015-09 SCI 王立志;王之盛;彭全辉 彭全辉
241 Eukaryotic   expression, purification, identification, and tissue distribution of porcine   PID1 Turkish   Journal of Biology 2015-09 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华 黄志清
242 Construction   and expression of two-copy engineered yeast of feruloyl esterase ELECTRONIC   JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 2015-09 SCI 黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华;陈小玲 陈小玲
243 Responses   in ileal and cecal bacteria to low and high amylose/amylopectin ratio diets   in growing pigs APPLIED   MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2015-08 SCI 罗玉衡;何军;陈代文 陈代文
244 Proteomic   Analysis of Fetal Ovary Reveals That Ovarian Developmental Potential Is   Greater in Meishan Pigs than in Yorkshire Pigs PLoS   One 2015-08 SCI 徐盛玉;林燕;方正锋;车炼强;李健;陈代文;吴德 徐盛玉
245 Exogenous   phospholipids supplementation improves growth and modulates immune response   and physical barrier referring to NF-κB, TOR, MLCK and Nrf2 signalling   factors in the intestine of juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon   idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-08 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
246 Growth,   digestive and absorptive capacity and antioxidant status in intestine and   hepatopancreas of sub-adult grass carp Ctenopharyngodonidella fed graded   levels of dietary threonine Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2015-08 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
247 Effect   of different amino acid patterns on semen quality ofboars fed with   low-protein diets ANIMAL   REPRODUCTION SCIENCE 2015-08 SCI 吴德;徐盛玉;车炼强;方正锋;林燕 林燕
248 Effect   of intra-uterine growth restriction on long-term fertility in boars REPRODUCTION   FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT 2015-08 SCI 林燕;吴德;车炼强;方正锋;徐盛玉 林燕
249 Effect   of dietary supplementation of emulsifier and carbohydrase on the growth   performance,serum cholesterol and breast meat fatty acids profile of broiler   chickes ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2015-08 SCI 王建萍;In   Ho Kim In   Ho Kim
250 Effect   of dietary nonphytate phosphorus content on ileal lymphocyte subpopulations   and cytokine expression in the cecal tonsils and spleen of laying hens that   were or were not orally inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium AMERICAN   JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH 2015-08 SCI 白世平;罗玉衡;丁雪梅;王建萍;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
251 Effects   of dietary lysozyme levels on growth performance, intestinal morphology,   non‐specific immunity and mRNA expression in weanling piglets ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2015-08 SCI 方正锋;林燕;车炼强;徐盛玉;李健;吴德 吴德
252 Effect   of dietary vanadium and vitamin C on egg quality and antioxidant status in   laying hens JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 2015-07 SCI 王建萍;丁雪梅;罗玉衡;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
253 Expressions   of selenoprotein genes is affected by obesity pigs fed a high-fat diet JOURNAL   OF NUTRITION 2015-07 SCI 赵华;汤加勇;王康宁 赵华
254 miR-628,   a microRNA that is induced by Toll-like receptor stimulation, regulates   porcine innate immune responses Scientific   reports 2015-07 SCI 何军;陈代文;余冰;毛湘冰;郑萍;虞洁;黄志清;罗钧秋 何军
255 Effects   of dietary carbohydrate composition on rumen fermentation characteristics and   microbial population in vitro Italian   Journal of Animal Science 2015-07 SCI 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
256 Effects   of a multi-enzyme complex on growth performance, nutrient utilization and   bone mineralization of meat duck JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2015-06 SCI 曾秋凤;罗玉衡;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍;张克英 张克英
257 Effects   of low ambient temperatures and dietary vitamin C supplementation on   pulmonary vascular remodeling and hypoxic gene expression of 21-d-old   broilers Journal   of Integrative Agriculture 2015-06 SCI 曾秋凤;郑萍;张克英;罗玉衡;丁雪梅;白世平;王建萍 曾秋凤
258 Differential   expression of lipid metabolism-related genes and myosin heavy chain isoform   genes in pig muscle tissue leading to different meat quality Animal 2015-06 SCI 罗钧秋;郑萍;余冰;黄志清;毛湘冰;何军;虞洁;陈代文 陈代文
259 Spray-dried   chicken plasma improves intestinal digestive function and regulates   intestinal selected microflora in weaning piglets JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2015-06 SCI 陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗钧秋;黄志清;郑萍 郑萍
260 Characterization   of bioactive recombinant antimicrobial peptide Parasin I fused with human   lysozyme expressed in the yeast pichia pastoris system ENZYME   AND MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY 2015-06 SCI 赵华;汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;蔡景义;尚海英 赵华
261 Effects   of benzoic acid and thymol on growth performance and gut characteristics of   weaned piglets Asian-Australasian   Journal of Animal Sciences 2015-06 SCI 郑萍;余冰;何军;毛湘冰;虞洁;陈代文 陈代文
262 Effects   of different levels of protein supplements in the diet of early-weaned yaks   on growth performance, intestinal development, and immune response to   tuberculosis Italian   Journal of Animal Science 2015-06 SCI 白世平;王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
263 Effects   of dietary combinations of organic acids and mediumchain fatty acids as a   replacement of zinc oxide on growth,digestibility and immunity of weaned   pigs ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2015-06 SCI 薛白 薛白
264 Effect   of dietary glutamine on growth performance, non-specific immunity, expression   of cytokine genes, phosphorylation of target of rapamycin (TOR), and   anti-oxidative system in spleen and head kidney of Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio   var. Jian) FISH   PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2015-05 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;刘扬;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
265 Dietary   riboflavin deficiency decreases immunity and antioxidant capacity, and   changes tight junction proteins and related signaling molecules mRNA   expression in the gills of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
266 Changes   in barrier health status of the gill for grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)   during valine deficiency: Regulation of tight junction protein transcript,   antioxidant status and apoptosis-related gene expression FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
267 Dietary   pantothenic acid deficiency and excess depress the growth, intestinal mucosal   immune and physical functions by regulating NF-κB, TOR, Nrf2 and MLCK   signaling pathways in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;姜俊;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
268 Dietary   phenylalanine-improved intestinal barrier health in young grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is associated with increased immune status and   regulated gene expression of cytokines, tight junction proteins, antioxidant   enzymes and related signalli FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 冯琳;刘扬;姜维丹;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
269 Nutrimetabolomic   analysis provides new insights into spermine-induced ileum-system alterations   for suckling rats RSC   advances 2015-05 SCI 刘光芒;贾刚;陈小玲;赵华;汪静;吴彩梅 刘光芒
270 Effect   of dietary methionine content on growth performance, carcass traits,and   feather growth of Pekin duck from 15 to 35 days of age POULTRY   SCIENCE 2015-05 SCI 曾秋凤;Applegate   J Todd Applegate   J Todd
271 Evaluation   of composition and individual variability of rumen microbiota in yaks by 16S   rRNA high-throughput sequencing technology ANAEROBE 2015-05 SCI 李英;王立志;薛白 王立志
272 Responses   in gut microbiota and fat metabolism to a halogenated methane analogue in   Sprague Dawley rats MICROBIAL   BIOTECHNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 罗玉衡;朱伟云 朱伟云
273 Selenoprotein   Genes exhibited differential Expression pattern between hepatoma HepG2 cell   and normal hepatocytes LO2 cell line BIOLOGICAL   TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 2015-05 SCI 赵华;汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;王康宁 赵华
274 The   tight junction protein transcript abundance changes and oxidative damage by   tryptophan deficiency or excess are related to the modulation of the   signalling molecules, NF-κB p65, TOR, caspase-(3,8,9) and Nrf2 mRNA levels,   in the gill of FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
275 Manganese   deficiency or excess caused the depression of intestinal immunity, induction   of inflammation and dysfunction of the intestinal physical barrier, as   regulated by NF-κB, TOR and Nrf2 signalling, in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon   idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
276 Effect   of dietary amylose/amylopectin ratio on growth performance, carcass traits,   and meat quality in finishing pigs MEAT   SCIENCE 2015-05 SCI 陈代文;余冰;黄志清;毛湘冰;虞洁;郑萍;何军 何军
277 Evaluation   the effect of thiamin deficiency on intestinal immunity of young grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-05 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;刘扬;吴培;姜俊;周小秋 周小秋
278 Postnatal   nutritional restriction affects growth and immune function of piglets with   intra-uterine growth restriction BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015-05 SCI 田刚;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;张克英;陈代文;吴德;车炼强 车炼强
279 Effect   of dietary arginine on the immune response and gene expression in head kidney   and spleen following infection of Jian carp with Aeromonas hydrophila FISH   & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 2015-04 SCI 刘扬;姜俊;姜维丹;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
280 Copper   exposure induces toxicity to the antioxidant system via the destruction of   Nrf2/ARE signaling and caspase-3-regulated DNA damage in fish muscle:   Amelioration by myo-inositol AQUATIC   TOXICOLOGY 2015-04 SCI 姜维丹;冯琳;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋 周小秋
281 Dietary   leucine regulates the intestinal immune status, immune-related signalling   molecules and tight junction transcript abundance in grass carp   (Ctenopharyngodon idella) AQUACULTURE 2015-04 SCI 姜维丹;刘扬;姜俊;吴培;周小秋;冯琳 周小秋
282 The   response of meat ducks from 15 to 35 d of age to gossypol from cottonseed   meal POULTRY   SCIENCE 2015-04 SCI 曾秋凤;王建萍;丁雪梅;罗玉衡;白世平;张克英 张克英
283 Effects   of resveratrol on lipid metabolism in muscle and adipose tissues: A   reevaluation in a pig model Journal   of functional foods 2015-04 SCI 罗钧秋;余冰;陈代文 陈代文
284 Solid   state fermentation of rapeseed cake with Aspergillus niger for degrading   glucosinolates and upgrading nutritional value JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2015-04 SCI 何军;虞洁;余冰;黄志清;毛湘冰;郑萍;陈代文 陈代文
285 Potential   Risk of Isoflavones - Toxicological Study of Daidzein Supplementation in   Piglets JOURNAL   OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015-04 SCI 毛湘冰;余冰;何军;虞洁;郑萍;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
286 Prokaryotic   expression, purification, polyclonal antibody preparation, and tissue   distribution of porcine Six1 Turkish   Journal of Biology 2015-04 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;陈代文;余冰;罗钧秋;刘光芒 黄志清
287 Fish   Oil and Olive Oil Supplementation in Late Pregnancy and Lactation   Differentially Affect Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Sows and   Piglets LIPIDS 2015-04 SCI 方正锋;车炼强;徐盛玉;林燕;李健;吴德 吴德
288 Prokaryotic   expression and characterization of a keratinolytic protease from Aspergillus   niger BIOLOGIA 2015-04 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;赵华;刘光芒 黄志清
289 Enhancing   the expression of Aspergillus niger β-mannanase in Pichia pastoris by   coexpression of protein disulfide isomerase Turkish   Journal of Biology 2015-04 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒 黄志清
290 Heterologous   expression and purification of porcine fat mass and obesity-associated gene   in Escherichia coli Turkish   Journal of Biology 2015-04 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒 陈小玲
291 Pathological   changes in the immune organs of broiler chickens fed on corn naturally   contaminated with aflatoxins B1 and B2 AVIAN   PATHOLOGY 2015-03 SCI 彭西;白世平;丁雪梅;曾秋凤;张克英;方静 张克英
292 Copper   induced tight junction mRNA expression Via NF-kB and NrF2 signaling molecule   with gilless of fish in Preventive role of arginine. AQUATIC   TOXICOLOGY 2015-03 SCI 冯琳;姜维丹;吴培;姜俊;刘扬;周小秋 周小秋
293 Amino   acid, phosphorus, and energy digestibility of Aspergillus niger fermented   rapeseed meal fed to growing pigs JOURNAL   OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2015-03 SCI 何军;虞洁;余冰;黄志清;毛湘冰;郑萍;陈代文 陈代文
294 Oral   administration of Lactococcus lactis‐expressed recombinant porcine epidermal   growth factor (rpEGF) stimulates the development and promotes the health of   small intestines in early‐weaned piglets JOURNAL   OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 2015-03 SCI 徐盛玉;林燕;方正锋;车炼强;吴德 吴德
295 Effects   of replacing soybean meal with detoxified Jatropha curcas kernel meal in the   diet on growth performance and histopathological parameters of growing   pigs ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2015-03 SCI 林燕;方正锋;车炼强;徐盛玉;吴德 吴德
296 Dietary   conjugated linoleic acids increase intramuscular fat deposition and decrease   subcutaneous fat deposition in Yellow Breed × Simmental cattle ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2015-03 SCI 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
297 Effect   of porcine Akirin2 on skeletal myosin heavy chain isoform expression INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015-02 SCI 陈小玲;黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华;杨洲平;张睿楠 黄志清
298 Effect   of replacing soybean meal by detoxified Jatrophacurcaskernel meal in the diet   on performance of growing pigs ANIMAL   FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2015-02 SCI 林燕;方正锋;车炼强;徐盛玉;吴德 吴德
299 Threonine   and tryptophan supplementation enhance porcine respiratory and reproductive   syndrome (PRRS) vaccine‐induced immune responses of growing pigs ANIMAL   SCIENCE JOURNAL 2015-02 SCI 徐盛玉;林燕;方正锋;车炼强;吴德 徐盛玉
300 Differences   in plasma metabolomics between sows fed DL-methionine and its hydroxy   analogue reveal a strong association of milk composition and neonatal growth   with maternal methionine nutrition BRITISH   JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015-02 SCI 张晓玲;刘光芒;吴彩梅;吴秀群;车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;田刚;陈代文;吴德;方正锋 方正锋
301 Effect   of dietary energy and protein content on growth and carcass traits of Pekin   ducks POULTRY   SCIENCE 2015-01 SCI 曾秋凤;Todd   J Applegate Todd   J Applegate
302 Dietary   resveratrol supplementation improves meat quality of finishing pigs through   changing muscle fiber characteristics and antioxidative status MEAT   SCIENCE 2015-01 SCI 罗钧秋;余冰;郑萍;黄志清;毛湘冰;何军;虞洁;陈代文 陈代文
303 Progesterone   receptor expression in granulosa cells is suppressed by microRNA-378-3p MOLECULAR   AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2015-01 SCI 徐盛玉;吴德 吴德
304 Lean   and obese pig breeds exhibit differences in prenatal gene expression profiles   of muscle development Animal 2015-01 SCI 余冰;毛湘冰;郑萍;何军;虞洁;陈代文 陈代文
305 Reduced   Expression of MYC Increases Longevity and Enhances Healthspan CELL 2015-01 SCI 冯斌;John   M. Sedivy John   M. Sedivy
306 Study   on accurate determination of volatile fatty acids in rumen fluid by capillary   gas chromatography ICIMM   2015 2015-07 ISTP 贾刚;汤加勇;刘光芒;吴彩梅 吴彩梅
307 不同钙水平饲粮添加低聚木糖对蛋鸡生产性能、血液生化指标、钙磷表观利用率及骨骼质量的影响 中国家禽 2017-07 EI 丁雪梅;张克英;王建萍;白世平;曾秋凤 丁雪梅
308 高效液相色谱法测定鸡蛋中5-乙烯基-1,3-噁唑烷-2-硫酮残留量 食品科学 2016-11 EI 王建萍;丁雪梅;曾秋凤;白世平;张克英 张克英
309 不同来源玉米对大恒肉鸡代谢能的测定及近红外预测模型的构建 中国畜牧杂志 2016-10 EI 丁雪梅;罗玉衡;王建萍;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
310 Dietary   energy intake affects fetal survival and development during early and middle   pregnancy in Large White and Meishan gilts Animal   Nutrition 2015-04 EI 徐盛玉;车炼强;林燕;方正锋;冯斌;李健;吴德 吴德
311 饲粮中添加壳寡糖对肉鸡抗氧化功能的影响 四川农业大学学报 2017-12 CSCD 丁雪梅;彭西 彭西
312 饲粮   维 生素 D添加 形 式对公 猪 繁殖性 能的影 响 动物营养学报 2017-12 CSCD 吴德;徐盛玉;方正锋;车炼强;冯斌;李健;林燕 林燕
313 多营养源饲粮对生长肥育猪生长性能、养分表观消化率及肉品质的影响 动物营养学报 2017-09 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;毛湘冰;郑萍;虞洁;罗玉衡;黄志清;罗钧秋;何军 何军
314 热应激对不同品种(系)青年肉牛生产性能、营养物质表观消化率及血液生化指标的影响 动物营养学报 2017-09 CSCD 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
315 氨基酸缺乏诱导细胞自噬的哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白复合体C1   信号通路机制研究进展 动物营养学报 2017-09 CSCD 王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
316 饲粮纤维对后备母猪卵母细胞质量的影响及其作用机制 动物营养学报 2017-08 CSCD 吴德;徐盛玉 徐盛玉
317 短期或长期饲喂高水平豌豆纤维对猪盲肠   微生物群落结构和代谢产物的影响 畜牧兽医学报 2017-08 CSCD 罗玉衡;陈洪;余冰;何军;黄志清;毛湘冰;郑萍;虞洁;罗钧秋;陈代文 陈代文
318 饲粮中短期内单独及混合添加高水平燕麦β-葡聚糖和微晶纤维素对小鼠生长性能、器官指数和粪便细菌群落结构的影响 动物营养学报 2017-07 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;罗钧秋;毛湘冰;黄志清;郑萍;罗玉衡 罗玉衡
319 单胃动物肠道菌群与宿主肠道免疫系统的互作关系及可能机制 动物营养学报 2017-07 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗钧秋;郑萍;黄志清;罗玉衡 罗玉衡
320 白藜芦醇对畜禽骨骼肌纤维类型转化的影响及其机理 动物营养学报 2017-07 CSCD 陈小玲;陈代文;余冰;何军;黄志清 黄志清
321 饮水中添加功能性复合添加剂对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分消化利用和血液指标的影响 畜牧兽医学报 2017-07 CSCD 陈代文;毛湘冰;余冰;何军;黄志清;虞洁;郑萍;罗钧秋 陈代文
322 高产母猪窝内体重变异的营养调控 动物营养学报 2017-07 CSCD 车炼强;冯斌;李健;林燕;徐盛玉;吴德;方正锋 方正锋
323 我国四川、山东、河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中镉、铬、铅污染程度评估 动物营养学报 2017-07 CSCD 王建萍;白世平;丁雪梅;张克英;吴彩梅 吴彩梅
324 单胃动物肠道菌群与宿主肠道免疫系统的   互作关系及可能机制 动物营养学报 2017-07 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗钧秋;郑萍;黄志清;罗玉衡 罗玉衡
325 湿热应激对藏绵羊和山羊生长性能、抗氧化能力以及免疫功能的影响 动物营养学报 2017-06 CSCD 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
326 绝食对九龙牦牛体重、血清激素和生化指标的影响 动物营养学报 2017-06 CSCD 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
327 植物精油对断奶仔猪生长性能、血液指标及   免疫能力的影响 动物营养学报 2017-06 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军 何军
328 不同能量代谢率的山羊瘤胃微生物结构与组成的差异性 微生物学通报 2017-06 CSCD 王立志 王立志
329 饲粮添加功能性复合添加剂对生长猪生长性能和免疫功能的影响 动物营养学报 2017-05 CSCD 毛湘冰;余冰;何军;黄志清;虞洁;郑萍;罗钧秋;陈代文 陈代文
330 PRKAG3   基因在不同品种猪不同生长阶段 骨骼肌中的表达差异及其表达量与肉质的关系 动物营养学报 2017-05 CSCD 郑萍;陈代文 陈代文
331 晒干大黑山薏苡全株在生长肉兔上的营养价值评定 草业科学 2017-05 CSCD 田刚;余冰;罗玉衡;周树峰;陈代文 田刚
332 饲粮添加功能性复合添加剂对生长猪   生长性能和免疫功能的影响 动物营养学报 2017-05 CSCD 毛湘冰;余冰;何军;黄志清;虞洁;郑萍;罗钧秋;陈代文 陈代文
333 紫锥菊及其提取物调节动物机体免疫功能及其作用机制 动物营养学报 2017-04 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;毛湘冰 毛湘冰
334 大豆磷脂油有效能值评定及其在仔猪饲粮中的应用效果 动物营养学报 2017-04 CSCD 陈代文;毛湘冰;虞洁;郑萍;何军;余冰 余冰
335 饲料中添加香菇多糖对断奶大鼠生长性能、抗氧化能力和肠道健康的影响 动物营养学报 2017-03 CSCD 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;罗钧秋;郑萍 毛湘冰
336 饲粮中添加香菇多糖对断奶大鼠生长性能、抗氧化能力和肠道健康的影响 动物营养学报 2017-03 CSCD 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;罗钧秋;罗玉衡;郑萍 毛湘冰
337 比较研究固态发酵菜籽粕和菜籽粕对生长肉兔的营养价值 动物营养学报 2017-03 CSCD 田刚;余冰;罗玉衡;陈代文;刘书亮 田刚
338 玉米芯和菜籽粕混合物替代苜蓿草粉饲喂肉兔的效果 西北农林科技大学学报.自然科学版 2017-03 CSCD 田刚;余冰 田刚
339 液相色谱-串联质谱法测定育肥猪配合饲料中的阿奇霉素 分析测试学报 2017-03 CSCD 吴彩梅;刘光芒;林燕;吴德 吴彩梅
340 钒诱导蛋鸡输卵管膨大部上皮细胞氧化应激模型的建立 畜牧兽医学报 2017-02 CSCD 王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 王建萍
341 微生态制剂与反刍动物甲烷减排 微生物学通报 2017-02 CSCD 王立志 王立志
342 饲粮添加抗生素和植物精油对母猪生产性能、免疫功能和乳成分的影响 动物营养学报 2017-02 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军 何军
343 冷季补饲对藏羊小肠形态发育及营养物质转运载体基因表达量的影响 畜牧兽医学报 2017-02 CSCD 彭全辉;王之盛 王之盛
344 饲粮添加苹果果胶果糖对育肥后期猪胴体性状、肉品质和结肠主要菌群的影响 动物营养学报 2017-01 CSCD 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;罗钧秋;罗玉衡 毛湘冰
345 采用英系北京鸭评定棉籽粕净能的研究 动物营养学报 2017-01 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒 贾刚
346 胰高血糖素样肽-2和二肽基肽酶Ⅳ抑制剂联合使用对断奶仔猪肠上皮细胞的影响 畜牧兽医学报 2017-01 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒 贾刚
347 饲料添加苹果果胶寡糖对育肥后期猪胴体性状、肉品质和鸡肠主要菌群的影响 动物营养学报 2017-01 CSCD 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;罗钧秋;罗玉衡 毛湘冰
348 茶多酚对育肥猪生长性能、抗氧化能力、   胴体品质和肉品质的影响 动物营养学报 2016-12 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗玉衡;黄志清;罗钧秋;郑萍 郑萍
349 青脚麻肉鸡对不同来源玉米的代谢能值及近红外预测模型的构建 动物营养学报 2016-11 CSCD 丁雪梅;王建萍;罗玉衡;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
350 New   insights into the role of spermine in enhancing the antioxidant capacity of   rat spleen and liver under oxidative stress 动物营养学报 2016-11 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;汤加勇;汪静;刘光芒 刘光芒
351 支链氨基酸和胰岛素对大鼠骨骼肌细胞蛋白质代谢的分子调控机制研究 南京农业大学学报 2016-11 CSCD 罗钧秋;陈代文;余冰 罗钧秋
352 评定菜籽粕的肉鸭净能的研究 动物营养学报 2016-11 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒 贾刚
353 营养对肠道干细胞增殖分化的调节作用 中国细胞生物学学报 2016-11 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒 贾刚
354 营养性复合添加剂饲喂模式对生长猪免疫功能和猪瘟抗体效价的影响 动物营养学报 2016-10 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;黄志清;罗钧秋;罗玉衡;虞洁 虞洁
355 矿物质元素和维生素对鸡蛋壳颜色的影响及其可能机制 动物营养学报 2016-09 CSCD 张克英;王建萍;丁雪梅;曾秋凤;白世平 王建萍
356 饲粮添加苹果果胶寡糖对断奶大鼠生长性能、抗氧化能力和肠道健康的影响 动物营养学报 2016-09 CSCD 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;虞洁;罗钧秋 毛湘冰
357 Effects   of spermine supplementation on the morphology, digestive enzyme activities,   and antioxidant capacity of intestine in weaning rats 动物营养学报 2016-09 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;汤加勇;汪静;刘光芒 刘光芒
358 四川省常用能量饲料和蛋白质饲料中重金属分布研究 动物营养学报 2016-09 CSCD 王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
359 冷季补饲对藏羊消化道消化酶活性及表观消化率的影响 动物营养学报 2016-08 CSCD 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
360 复合酸化剂和微生态制剂对蛋鸡生产性能、血液生化指标、抗氧化指标及沙门氏菌感染的影响 动物营养学报 2016-08 CSCD 丁雪梅;罗玉衡;王建萍;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
361 玉米芯和菜籽粕混合物对肉兔生理机能的影响 核农学报 2016-08 CSCD 田刚;余冰 田刚
362 硒蛋白X基因沉默和过氧化氢处理对人正常肝脏细胞中硒蛋白基因表达和抗氧化酶活性的影响 动物营养学报 2016-08 CSCD 汤加勇;赵华;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;蔡景义;吴彩梅 赵华
363 冷季补饲对藏羊消化道消化酶活性及表观消化率的影响 动物营养学报 2016-08 CSCD 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
364 维生素C调控肉鸡缺氧肺动脉血管平滑肌细胞缺氧诱导因子-1amRNA转录的分子机制 畜牧兽医学报 2016-07 CSCD 曾秋凤;张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡;王建萍 曾秋凤
365 饲粮中不同水平柚叶对生长肉兔生长性能、饲粮养分全肠表观消化率和屠宰性能的影响 动物营养学报 2016-06 CSCD 田刚;余冰;蔡景义 田刚
366 饲料中不同水平柚叶对生长肉兔生长性能、饲料养分全肠表观消化率和屠宰性能的影响 动物营养学报 2016-06 CSCD 田刚;余冰;蔡景义 田刚
367 Kruppel样因子15对脂肪沉积和肌纤维类型的影响及其可能机制 动物营养学报 2016-06 CSCD 黄志清;贾刚;刘光芒;赵华;陈小玲 陈小玲
368 Effects   of dietary Nanocrystalline Cellulose Supplementation on Growth Performance,   Carcass Traits, Intestinal Development, and Lipid Metabolism of Meat   Duck 动物营养学报 2016-06 CSCD 张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡;王建萍;曾秋凤 曾秋凤
369 含钒蛋黄粉对大鼠生长、氧化应激状态及其相关基因表达的影响 动物营养学报 2016-05 CSCD 王建萍;张克英;丁雪梅;曾秋凤;白世平;罗玉衡 张克英
370 生长期秦川牛能量代谢规律与需要量研究 动物营养学报 2016-05 CSCD 王之盛 王之盛
371 多胺对动物肠道稳态的调控作用及可能机制 动物营养学报 2016-05 CSCD 刘光芒;贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;蔡景义 刘光芒
372 Reproductive   stage associated changes in plasma fatty acid profile and proinflammatory   cytokine expression in rat mammary glands 动物营养学报 2016-04 CSCD 张晓玲;车炼强;林燕;徐盛玉;吴德;方正锋 方正锋
373 新型厌食神经肽nesfatin-1的分布和生物学功能 动物营养学报 2016-04 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒;蔡景义;汤加勇 贾刚
374 Arginine,   N-carbamylglutamate, and glutamine exert protective effects against oxidative   stress in rat intestine 动物营养学报 2016-04 CSCD 刘光芒;贾刚;陈小玲;赵华;汪静;吴彩梅;蔡景义 刘光芒
375 猪硒蛋白P基因克隆、鉴定及组织mRNA相对表达量分析 动物营养学报 2016-03 CSCD 汤加勇;赵华 赵华
376 我国西南地区蛋禽配合饲料中霉菌毒素的污染分布规律 动物营养学报 2016-03 CSCD 王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
377 高通量测序分析人工养殖成年林麝粪便古菌菌群多样性 动物营养学报 2016-02 CSCD 王立志 王立志
378 林麝粪便细菌多样性研究 中国农业大学学报 2016-02 CSCD 王立志 王立志
379 我国西南地区肉禽配合饲料中霉菌毒素的污染分布规律 动物营养学报 2016-02 CSCD 王建萍;丁雪梅;白世平;曾秋凤;张克英 张克英
380 品种和营养水平对猪生长性能、胴体性状和肉质的影响 动物营养学报 2016-02 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军 何军
381 姜黄素和亮氨酸对免疫应激大鼠骨骼肌蛋白质降解的缓解效应 营养学报 2016-02 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;郑萍;何军 何军
382 啤酒糟对31~59日龄建昌麻羽肉鸭生产性能、血液生化指标及胃肠道发育的影响 动物营养学报 2016-01 CSCD 曾秋凤;张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡;王建萍 曾秋凤
383 维生素C对肉鸡缺氧肺动脉平滑肌细胞缺氧诱导因子-1α转录水平的影响 畜牧兽医学报 2016-01 CSCD 曾秋凤;张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡;王建萍 曾秋凤
384 重组菌丝霉素发酵培养基筛选及重组菌丝霉素在断奶仔猪上的应用 农业生物技术学报 2016-01 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军 何军
385 母猪妊娠期营养水平对后代仔猪肌肉生长和发育的影响 动物营养学报 2016-01 CSCD 车炼强;方正锋;林燕;徐盛玉;吴德 吴德
386 喷雾干燥鸡血浆蛋白粉在仔猪上的营养价值评定 畜牧兽医学报 2016-01 CSCD 陈代文;郑萍;余冰;何军;毛湘冰;黄志清;虞洁;罗钧秋 郑萍
387 重组乳酸乳球菌表达外源产物在养猪生产中的潜在应用 动物营养学报 2015-12 CSCD 林燕;方正锋;车炼强;吴德;徐盛玉 徐盛玉
388 不同能量水平饲粮中添加脂肪酶对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分表观消化率和血清生化指标的影响 动物营养学报 2015-12 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;郑萍;毛湘冰;黄志清;罗钧秋;虞洁 虞洁
389 重组菌丝霉素高密度发酵制备及其功效研究 农业生物技术学报 2015-12 CSCD 何军 何军
390 四川省蛋鸡配合饲料及鸡蛋重金属含量分布 动物营养学报 2015-11 CSCD 张克英;丁雪梅;曾秋凤;白世平;罗玉衡;王建萍 王建萍
391 黄曲霉毒素B1及其吸附剂对断奶仔猪生长性能和空肠消化酶活性的影响 动物营养学报 2015-11 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;毛湘冰;虞洁;郑萍;罗钧秋 罗钧秋
392 2-3   周龄天府肉鸭净能需要量的评定 动物营养学报 2015-11 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒;王康宁 贾刚
393 肠道干细胞及其干细胞巢 中国细胞生物学学报 2015-11 CSCD 贾刚;王康宁;赵华 贾刚
394 腺苷酸活化激酶在哺乳动物卵巢发育中的调控作用及其机制 动物营养学报 2015-10 CSCD 吴德;徐盛玉 徐盛玉
395 封闭型牛舍风机喷淋降温和饲粮添加铬改善肉牛生长性能 农业工程学报 2015-10 CSCD 蔡景义 蔡景义
396 饲粮添加鼠李糖乳酸杆菌GG缓解轮状病毒感染对断奶仔猪血清尿素氮含量和免疫功能的影响 动物营养学报 2015-10 CSCD 毛湘冰;陈代文;余冰;何军;郑萍;虞洁;罗钧秋 毛湘冰
397 低磷饲粮添加植酸酶对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分表观消化率和骨骼发育的影响 动物营养学报 2015-10 CSCD 罗钧秋;余冰;何军;黄志清;毛湘冰;郑萍;虞洁;陈代文 陈代文
398 肉牛剩余采食量与瘤胃微生物菌群关系 动物营养学报 2015-10 CSCD 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
399 应用化学成分建立天府肉鸭豆粕净能预测模型的研究 动物营养学报 2015-10 CSCD 贾刚;赵华;陈小玲;刘光芒;王康宁 贾刚
400 不同粗蛋白质水平饲粮添加外源蛋白酶对肉鸡生产性能、血清生化指标和抗氧化功能的影响 动物营养学报 2015-09 CSCD 丁雪梅;张克英 丁雪梅
401 评定天府肉鸭玉米净能的研究 动物营养学报 2015-09 CSCD 贾刚;陈小玲;赵华;刘光芒;王康宁 贾刚
402 山羊瘤胃与粪便微生物多样性 动物营养学报 2015-08 CSCD 王立志 王立志
403 敞篷牛舍接力送风及饲粮添加铬改善肉牛生产性能 农业工程学报 2015-08 CSCD 蔡景义 蔡景义
404 钒对鸡健康的影响及其作用机理 动物营养学报 2015-07 CSCD 王建萍;丁雪梅;张克英;曾秋凤;白世平 王建萍
405 Six1对骨骼肌发育和肌纤维类型转化的调控 动物营养学报 2015-07 CSCD 陈小玲;陈代文;余冰;罗钧秋;何军;毛湘冰;虞洁;郑萍;黄志清 黄志清
406 饲粮中添加鼠李糖乳酸杆菌GG缓解轮状病毒感染诱导仔猪氧化应激的研究 动物营养学报 2015-06 CSCD 陈代文;毛湘冰;余冰;何军;郑萍;虞洁 毛湘冰
407 营养性复合添加剂缓解霉变玉米饲粮对仔猪空肠黏膜结构的损伤 动物营养学报 2015-06 CSCD 陈代文;田刚;郑萍;虞洁;毛湘冰;何军;余冰 余冰
408 不同营养调控方式对牦牛僵牛体尺和胃肠道发育的影响 动物营养学报 2015-06 CSCD 王之盛 王之盛
409 硒蛋白selX基因克隆、定点突变、原核表达及多克隆抗体制备 动物营养学报 2015-05 CSCD 赵华;汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;王康宁 赵华
410 The   influence of graded levels of available phosphorus on growth   performance,muscle antioxidant and flesh quality of young grass   carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella)), 动物营养学报 2015-05 CSCD 姜维丹;冯琳;姜俊;周小秋;刘扬 周小秋
411 常用粗饲料营养成分和饲用价值分析 草业学报 2015-05 CSCD 王之盛 王之盛
412 精氨酸通过内分泌途径调控氧化应激仔猪生长相关因子基因表达 动物营养学报 2015-04 CSCD 郑萍;余冰;何军;虞洁;毛湘冰;罗钧秋;黄志清;陈代文 陈代文
413 低蛋白质平衡氨基酸饲粮对断奶仔猪肠道健康影响的研究进展 动物营养学报 2015-04 CSCD 陈代文;毛湘冰;何军;虞洁;郑萍;罗钧秋;余冰 余冰
414 复合益生菌固态发酵改善甘薯渣营养价值的研究 动物营养学报 2015-04 CSCD 赵华;汤加勇;贾刚;刘光芒;陈小玲;王康宁 赵华
415 胰高血糖素样肽-2对脂多糖应激的IPEC-J2细胞形态和紧密连接相关基因表达的影响 畜牧兽医学报 2015-04 CSCD 贾刚;陈小玲;赵华;刘光芒 贾刚
416 日粮脂质对家兔肉品质的影响综述 西北农林科技大学学报.自然科学版 2015-03 CSCD 余冰;蔡景义;田刚 田刚
417 不同蛋白质水平补饲料对早期断奶犊牦牛生产性能和胃肠道发育的影响 动物营养学报 2015-03 CSCD 王之盛;彭全辉 王之盛
418 评定蛋鸡豆粕代谢能和氨基酸可利用率的研究 动物营养学报 2015-03 CSCD 贾刚;张克英;丁雪梅;赵华;陈小玲;吴彩梅;刘光芒 贾刚
419 饲粮磷水平对热应激奶牛生产性能和血液指标的影响 动物营养学报 2015-03 CSCD 薛白 薛白
420 基于屠宰性能探讨不同生长阶段肉鸭饲粮棉籽粕的适宜水平 动物营养学报 2015-02 CSCD 曾秋凤;王建萍;张克英;丁雪梅;白世平;罗玉衡 张克英
421 营养水平对梅山猪和大白猪卵巢发育的影响及机制 动物营养学报 2015-01 CSCD 林燕;方正锋;车炼强;吴德;徐盛玉 徐盛玉
422 哺乳动物原始卵泡的形成和发育及影响因素 畜牧兽医学报 2015-01 CSCD 徐盛玉;吴德 徐盛玉
423 苯甲酸对断奶仔猪生长性能、器官指数和胃肠道内容物pH的影响 动物营养学报 2015-01 CSCD 陈代文;余冰;何军;毛湘冰;虞洁;罗钧秋;郑萍 郑萍
424 饲粮能量水平对热应激奶牛营养物质表观消化率及血液生化指标的影响 动物营养学报 2015-01 CSCD 薛白 薛白
425 苯甲酸对断奶仔猪生长性能、器官指数和胃肠道内容物ph   的影响 动物营养学报 2015-01 CSCD 郑萍 郑萍